I hate it when people say the New series of Dr Who is more accessible. What that really means is dumbed down. The Moffat series were complicated, yes - but not for anyone willing to think and keep (slightly) complex plots in their heads. For goodness sake children in the 70s and 80s used to follow a six part story over six weeks - AND WITH NO RECAP EACH EPISODE!!! People today have terrible attention spans and I think that's part of the problem.
Someone at work once said to me that the Matt Smith episodes were too complicated and hard to follow. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
Even the Tennant episodes were more complicated than the latest series. I mean come on - have any of the episodes of Jodie Whittaker's first series REALLY been up to the standard of Silence in the Library, The Empty Child or Blink - all Moffat episodes I might add.
Let's face it RTD and to a greater extent Moffat captured the style of classic Who and updated it. This latest series REALLY hasn't so far.