First of all the movie is made for fans only.!!!
The movie is full of unrealistic, utter nonsense scenes and overstuffed violence.
I didn't expect this kind of a movie from Tovino. I used to watch most of Tovi movies.
In this movie the first half was ok, but the draggy second half with no direction. Also, I felt sometimes the director played a video game filled with violence and his own desires.
The other noted point is a visualization of some political or religious symbols with purposefully. It clearly tells that the writer and director has a clear political view and they enjoyed it by keeping the opposition party on gunpoint. At least they should have removed the political symbols.
The funny thing is the police itself motivating people for the revolution!
The movie is underrated to the level of the so-called cult movies from the other south movie industry.
The director tried to make a movie in a sarcastic and funny way.
Few good points:
- Action scenes were good.
- BGM was good.
- Tovino acted well!
- The villain Amarnath was heavy and mass.
Rate: 1.75/5