Embarrassment to DC. Who remembers the plot? For those that can remember the plot...who can explain it? Who knows who the villain was? Who can explain the villains story? Who can explain what the villain is trying to achieve?
**Spoiler Alert**
We’re here to watch a movie about a Superhero....Does the Superhero really solve the problem or save the day, or does the villain do it? If so, then why make the movie about the Superhero. Also what really are the Superheroes powers? Have they been explained? Although it’s fictional, how nonsensical are we going to get when our Superhero can flip cars with ease and stop bullets in midair but yet they bow to the attacks of a Cheetah person or even worse- they can’t get up off of the ground to subdue a villain that has some sort of wind force field around them? I could go on but it’s not worth it.
To say this movie had plot holes would be an understatement. There was terrible directing. Terrible script writing. Good acting from actors trying to do the best they could with this junk. And what really bothered me was how egregious the graphics were and production overall. This reminded me more of the Adam West Batman series in how laughable the production was. Wonder woman barely touches people and they go flying across the room. The world is in chaos but yet everybody starts to look at a television program and take seriously what the person is saying on it which enables him to accomplish his goal of reading everybody’s thoughts which is completely unexplained or if it was explained is completely convoluted. Ok I’m done.