Joy, you are a such insensitive %#&^#$. But then again you've made a career of it. You claim you're suffering a little PTSD following the inauguration, Really??????. Wow what an insult to those who truly are effected by such a debilitating and unforgiving condition. Individuals who are victims of war, of childhood molestation and or neglect, rape victims, those hurt in criminal violence and other tragedies. Some suffer years of abuse and there is NO CURE. With sleep comes nightmares Many, afraid of the Mental Illness stigma and labels suffer in silence. You instead use it as a casual adjective to describe nothing more than a probable hangover and a little lack of sleep. PATHETIC. There is nothing casual about POST TRAMATIC STRESS DISORDER!!
When you shop all day and your feet are tired and cramped, do you sit down and compare yourself to Polio victims? (yes I'm aware that Polio has been all but eradicated in the US but that's not the point)
Try thinking before spewing more unacceptable comparisons
Kudos to Whoopy, Meagan, Sarah and Sunny. Meagan, Your father was a true American hero and patriot. God Bless!!