American Genius (2015, 8ep) 4.7⭐️ - masterpiece, showing some of the most brilliant minds, their struggles and fights, each episode is centered around 2 main actors fighting for one great invention, amazing diversity in types of inventions, inventors backgrounds and also eras, from Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs (PC) to Nikola Tesla vs Edison (electricity), Farnsworth vs Sarnoff (TV), Hearst vs Pulitzer (Newspaper), Space Race, Colt vs Wesson (revolver), Oppenheimer vs Heisenberg (nuclear bomb)
some poor others rich, all of them, however, had struggles and competitors to fight, it wasn’t easy, but we all should be thankful to the way they improved our civilization, great series to increase your perspective and gratitude for what we have, but also learn more about the history and get inspired.