Definitely a great game....4 me its GOTY in 2020 because it does what no other game has ever done.No game has ever made me so emotionally invested into the story & characters like this game has along with part 1. I feel like it's the same 4 a lot of other people who played this series as well & because of those emotions they throw the game down because it makes hard decisions. I actually respect the fact that naughty dog made these decisions because it's nothing wrong with the death of a great character to progress a story. Plenty of popular games, movies, books, anime, etc have done this time & time again. Another thing is people fail 2 realize that ellie was always the main character of this series even in the 1st game....everything revolves around her. They still keep everything that made part 1 good & added on them 2 make this game feel new & better which I feel they capitalized on. No matter how the game makes you feel it's hard 2 deny how good this game is. The game looks amazing from the character models to the facial expressions to the different landscapes & everything in between. Even the interactions between the characters feel like real reactions & conversations & not just game talk. It's always 2 sides 2 a story & I like that you see both sides & the game makes you feel both sides & regardless of who you side with in the end if the shoe was on the other foot you would do what those characters did. Great amazing game naughty dog.. you will always have my support & always have since crash bandit