This game is so fun! It’s not a great game, however. It’s an ok-ish game with a lot of content. The reason that i view the game in such a way is due to the B A L A N C E I S S U E S. I was about to buy the B- 11 Strikeforce (resemblance of the A 10 Warthog,) today until I saw that the thing isn’t good for attacking ground targets because the plane which is what the gun should have been built around Sucks so “it won’t make other aircrafts obsolete” but you have a flying missile bike with outstanding tracking and is very very small in the game. Really Rockstar?? The only other problem I have is how expensive vehicles are. 800k for a doge challenger? I understand that rockstar wants you to buy their in game currency with real life currency but there are a lot of games where you max out and still have fun. GTA V was designed in such a way where you have to sacrifice time and effort to have fun in the sandbox...