I’m a Huge Kim Catrall fan prior even to STC , and she deserves so much better than this train wreck of a show that will surely be cancelled after 1 season . I barely made it through the first episode , and doubt I can stomach another . Maybe I will try to see if it goes anywhere but I doubt it . Generally speaking there is absolutely nothing interesting about this show , it’s paint by numbers , pretty much like it was written by an algorithm or ChatGTP fed prompts like “ make a script about every possible cliche about Gen Z , oh and as shallow as possible with no heart . Let none of the characters resemble humans please, thanks “ . Now that’s fine if this was caricature , but it’s not . Supposedly I think we’re supposed to feel something . There’s certainly no comedy here , and definitely no emotion . The lead character Marco is painful to watch , and it’s not just the character , the actor is absolutely cringeworthy in his / their delivery . Marco gives me zero reason to care . Marco is 22 and has to get his moms permission as to what kind of job they can take ? This is weird and infantilizing . Everyone is 2 dimensional and deeply unlikable , but Marco is the worst . Make up and glamor have the potential to be fabulous and magical subjects , but Marcos objectives are pure narcissism and utterly boring . Kim Cattrall sleepwalks through the part and seems like she is regretting every moment she is on set , it’s like she knows she’s on a sinking ship , but it’s a ship she signed on to be . My heart goes out to her . Netflix needs better writers . This show could have been cute but it’s on its way to the clearance rack . Dead on arrival