Season 1 was nearly unbearable, but I stuck with it because everyone said it was worth it to get to season 2. It is near constant chaos caused by immature, unbelievable drama. Most plot milestones are unbelievable in the worst way and there isn't one character that I like, let alone care about. The pinaccle of season 1, the big reveal, was as unrelatable and unbelievable as the rest of the season. Just stupid, but I made it through all the irritation to the promised land of season 2, only to find the first two episodes to be even more annoying than all of season 1. Underneath all the chaos that was featured in season 1, they do their best to amp up the drama by playing lyrical music while people are talking. Again, unbearable. The yelling, cursing, fighting, and forced drama are all tactics to cover up for weak writing. Just horrible.