Vertigo is a movie that flies up to the top of cinema… and crashes back down to the fiery depths of disappointment.
Seriously though, the first half of vertigo is amazingly well done, thrilling, and will have you hooked and slightly creeped out by the supernatural things that seem to be going on. SPOILER ALERT for the rest of this review-
Even though the romance plot is a little strange( considering jimmy Stewart’s age) it’s still necessary to the plot over all, seeing that jimmy stewart would have no other reason to lose his sanity otherwise. The problem occurs with the fact that after the girl shows up again, jimmy stewart becomes the biggest creep in existence, changing the girls appearance and personality in unsettling ways. This could have worked really well if he had actually KNOWN that she was the wife (sorry I don’t remember her name) and he was slowly letting her realize that he knew.(still crazy but in control) but noooo. He had to find out from a stupid necklace. A necklace. Not that fact that she looks exactly like the first girl. But I think the main thing that could have saved the story, was her never writing that letter. The letter gives everything away to the audience, so instead of slowly figuring out that the new girl and the old are the same person, we have to watch jimmy stewart be a creep and wait for him to catch up. The letter is completely useless to the plot Because jimmy stewart explains the whole situation on the clock tower anyway. It’s unnecessary, it gives the whole twist away, and it basically ruins the whole movie. I think the ending with the nun is iconically hilarious, and I guess her falling off the same clock tower is retribution enough? I don’t know. The reason why I’m so frustrated with this film is because it has so much potential. If you want a movie that’s great all the way through I suggest watching rear window. Or dial m for murder.