Yesterday's episode was just a treacherous feeling of being cheated.
All the admirers of this so-far-nice story and so-far-petefect characterization of all the leading roles, would surely have felt simply cheated, as I did.
Sadly by the the iconically named character Karthik. He had cheated his simple and innocent wife, Godly patents, lovely kids and all his admirers.
It was disgusting to see how one highly educated person, brought up in wonderful parental care with best cultural values, degraded himself in so mean manner. There are countless flaws in the treatment of this otherwise good story which we all have been tolerating only with a single hope that one fine day the truth would triumph.
But yesterday, with this one step he took out from his heavenly home and from his wonderful parents, Karthik had ruined all the values if at all he posessed so far.
He doesn't deserve any sympathy from now on. Deepa should report to the court about this turn. She shouldn't be frightened any more, fearing if he declares her unchaste in public. She in turn should clarify this to the judge and should call Karthik to prove himself right.
Nirupam Garu said, on one TV show, that he had taken up one negitively shaded role, as he feels that type of roles would bring out his acting talent. But, this was just beyond all those negitivities. He and his celebrated ally Mounitha can now fight for the worst personification trophy. Extremely sorry that he chose to portray such a mean character.