This show started great. Then it just got super melodramatic and turned into a ridiculous soap opera. It is way too long. There are 33 episodes and it could've stopped at around 20. I fast forward through most of side couples and characters. The ex-boyfriend turns into a super villain by the later episodes. I was invested in the main couple, then the main girl, Yuxi, personality seems to change. In the beginning she was spunky, fun, strong, and loud. Then in the later episodes she makes a dumb decision that made no sense to me. She starts to become a side character to Yati. I never cared about Yati. She could have not been in the story at all. She had no development besides her connection to the main couple. I didn't make it to the last episode but I heard it gets nonsensical. The main couple was the reason I was watching past a certain point then they got ruined with the overdramatic storyline. I should have stopped after they finally got together because the rest was disappointing.