venom and eddie have a fuss, carnage died stupidly AND TURNED INTO A TORNADO, barely any fight scenes, creepy banshee was a plot device, waste of time.
I am someone who enjoys venom whether it be comic, cartoon, or movie. The visuals were awesome. However, it didn't live up to expectations. I was expecting a lot from both Venom and Carnage. I felt like we didn't get enough venom action; instead we got one useless, pointless hour of Venom and Eddie fighting with another. The reason they fight is because Venom isn't getting the hunt he wants. Why not just eat the bad guys. Venom is clearly in control of Eddie why not eat the bad guys.
Now on to Carnage. When I was a kid, I valued Carnage more than Venom. Carnage was supposed to be scary. An unstoppable threat. But in the end, he was eaten like fruit roll up. All this build up for the fight and then... nom nom nom. -_- Speaking of fights, there was only one clash of the titans. One fight scene, not if you're counting the jailbreak where CARNAGE TURNS INTO A FRIKIN TORNADO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, where's the Carnage part in Carnage. All he does is throw guards around like ragdolls and makes a spider web for a car.
Now I must talk about the terrible plot. It's a super hero sequal so that means he has to lose his powers. Meanwhile, Cletus goes and gets married to creepy girl. Were we supposed to feel sympathy for Cletus's crush? I didn't feel any conflict with her and I felt like she was just a plot device.