Shame on DC for licensing this show! While I believe there is much potential for an expanded universe and great story lines it is truely executed at the worst level. They are dealing with the most sacarade of comic heros and there is so much injustice done. Superman is the origianal hero(All American hero), born from an era of great American past time. This show does so much injustice to the origin of the comic! This show is nothing more than a BBC special! While I do think there is some very good actors on the show it just does not do th comic justice. This is a show loaded with British actors and pushes way to hard to make every person in the story line an enpowered person of color even if it does not hold true to the original comics. All of the sudden the House of Zod became a group of warrior black females??? Don't get me wrong if DC wants to rewrite the bread and butter that made them the so be it. It's my choice to watch them or not. I'm just saying I'm not a fan of the show and it's inaccuracies.