Most recent Nick Cage movies have weak writing yet end up worth watching because of one obvious reason... Nick Cage.
This film deemed itself worthy enough for a theatrical release and includes the always charming Pedro Pascal, so I was expecting much more than the formula of Wild Premise + Nick Cage = That's A Wrap. This movie does in fact contain those variables, but also has endearing dialogue, coherent tones, and as it so blatantly preaches with its meta-theme, is effectively character driven.
I was worried during the 1st act that I wasn't going to enjoy this as it seemed it may be a story of an indulgent actor embracing their own annoying arrogance which while even done comically, remains annoyingly arrogant. However, when the relationship between Nick and Javi begins, so also will begin your nearly never ending smile sprinkled with outbursts of laughter. This truly is a "buddy comedy" inside an action flick that will keep you engaged throughout.
I will say the "surprise" is a bit transparent so a lot of the movie is the audience waiting for the characters to catch up, which can sometimes make you want to just hurry and get to it. That being said, the other antics in the film help keep you focused and willing to sit through it all without remorse.
I honestly would probably give this a 4.5 scoring, but since Nick Cage has been doing bumps his whole life, I feel I owe him a bump to a 5 on this one...
Also worth noting, if you enjoy this movie you should watch a more somber version of this idea done almost 15 years prior by the great Jean Claude titled JCVD.
(I rate movies based on expectations. You can't put Sharknado on the same scale as Jaws.)