Another Life is a wonderful show. I like how it explores the complexities of space travel and allows the audience to create deeper thinking into beyond our galaxy.
I mean of course, what space travel show doesn’t have your clichés like the captain waking up from somatic sleep because of a space anomaly, or second in command mutinies because of disagreement, and (god forbid) a crew mate brings onboard a parasite.
Despite my opinion I get why some turn away. The first episode is slow to gain momentum, but the season sets a steady pace and has an exciting season finale. The acting is HELLA solid (Katee Sackhoff I applaud) I mean I’m not gonna say they bring out your sympathy, but empathy really hits home. The show forces you to position yourself in their surroundings to try to understand the situation in ways the film isn’t portraying.
All I’m saying is give this show a chance, it’s not perfect but it is worth your while.