This game great .Yes it is not revolutionary but it succeeds at its purpose . To bring platformers like donkey kong country to platforms that do not have games like that. The game is at its best when you are breaking buildings and charging into robotic dragons but the action and fast pace is lost when you are watering plants to create platforms and fighting the klunky controls. The story is simple you Tembo the badass elephant are retired elephant until the army come back (thats not the name of the opposition but I have not played the game in like a week ) so you come back to the team and insert game here its cookie cutter safe no depression no kidney failure what do you expect from a game called TEMBO THE BADDASS ELEPHANT. The visuals this game does not look like uncharted 4 or cuphead or breath of the wild but this game looks gorgeous I like the 2D sprites with the 3D backgrounds . I have to admit this game is not perfect but it sure is good I give this game a 7.8 out of 10(why doe anyone care).