2 crashes in 4 hours on PS4 Pro. Very disappointing.
The world is not immersive at all. The graphics are awful. GTA5, a much older game hit on all cylinders compared to this trash.
You can empty an entire clip into an enemy and they still don't die, but 3 strong swings with your fist and they're done for?
Don't waste your money.
Despite the issues I'm completely and totally obsessed with this game. I'm 50 hours into this game and what makes me most happy is I'm not even halfway through the story.
I'm compelled to admit I was wrong. This game takes the great work of open world first person shooter from the Far Cry series and adds the immersive element of GTA V.
Sure the game may crash every few hours and it sucks, but in the end, this may be the best game I've ever played.