“ We’re Here “ is an astounding, daring, and informative documentation of counterculture’s integration into conservative society. If you feel compelled, even in the slightest to watch, I highly suggest immersing yourself in this glimpse into a real-life “To Wong Foo”. The show captures raw human emotion and offers what I believe to be an essential key to harmonizing a divided society. The project spies into human life using an objective perspective lens. Campy humor acknowledges the indifference in moral beliefs, but conservatism isn’t villainized, making the segment understandable for all beliefs and viewpoints. The show undeniably pulls feelings of discomfort, but in the healthiest of ways. This discomfort doesn’t derive from a feeling of being told you’re wrong, but a sense of discomfort from resonating with the unfamiliar reality presented in front of you. It’s the uncomfortable feeling you get when you finally figure out a piece to a puzzle that’s been so obvious all along. I think any queer person who endured small-town conservative life will empathize, and any heterosexual/cisgender person will feel educated.