The show is really funny and interesting to watch. they nail twists, and even excels in bigger conspiracies. but with a story line they had I felt like they didn't give it all they had.I still wanted to see Scott's full alpha transformation like Derek did or him turning complete wolf, I never got to see what made Scott unique as a true alpha, what could he do that other alphas couldn't do. I wanted to see Scott showing power as a true alpha not him losing to his beta and being killed by a chimera. They never explained what kind of warewolfs can turn into a complete wolf. Also I felt like season 6 forgot about season 5 a bit. What happened to the Dread Doctors, Theo built a pack of chimeras I would've loved to see wolves vs chimeras war. Although the series lets your imagination run wild in the thousands of possibilities that could happen, their version of events is always satisfying. I really felt like it would've been a series bigger than what it is if only they pushed and thought outside the box. I loved the series and it deserves 5 stars