I heard you're promoting abortion with planned parenthood night show??? If abortion was happening you'd have no audience. God doesn't want abortion how could you????? God have mercy on your soul people of God don't believe in killing the image and likeness of God we love all people Abortion is a sin why are you promoting it when we don't want our tax money killing the unborn. Shame on you how can you say God Bless after the show when you want to promote planned parentbhood which was taken away so our taxes don't have to pay for it and I certainly won't promote it or give to that sinful agency even roevswade changed their mind and don't believe in Abortion how can you have a show promoting this controversial matter. I am so disappointed in you You made a grave mistake and I can't believe you are promoting abortion with planned parent hood Shame on you Carey I can't believe it Never thought the good show would promote sin?????