What a great Christian movie about a fireman who retired and saw visions about Trump being our next President. It also highlighted how Trump said we are One Nation Under God and how he is indeed a man of God who was chosen for this day and age where many changes are imminent yet may not apply to Gods laws. He even attended the late great Evangelist Billy Grahams funeral! Trump mentions God in all of his speeches. The movie at the end has some surprises on what the meaning of Trumps speech to Make America Great Again as he refers to our forefathers! Even the history of the Titanic when it sank they sang Nearer My God to Thee. We have not had a President who truly believed since Ronald Reagan whom I am sure is in Heaven now!! When everyone got together to pray for our leadership in this country - it proved that prayer does work and that God does answer prayers. After all, God created the Universe that we live in.