The movie is well scripted and plotted, has it been portrayed as a fight between evil riches and the poor rather than the typical dramatic casteist color it would have been appreciated even largely. The real issue in our country is an uneven distribution of treasury. Even from other castes, there are people who starve and sleep on empty stomachs. The one they call #MULNIWASI is a very well coined term that has no sense in this new generation, it will only divide the new India in a far new way. These are the same people who have coined the #Mulniwasi and Black & White people in India, whereas we are a blend of varients living together, this is why we are called the most diversified country in the whole world, yet we are living together. This should be a point of pride. Yes, there are evil elements in society, every society has such elements and this is why we need the law and order to act tight and straight. POINTING EVERYTHING IN SUCH A SMART WAY AND FURTHERMORE DIVIDING OUR SOCIETY WITH EVIL THOUGHTS WILL HAVE THE SAME IMPACT AND IT WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BUT WILL GIVE A NEW FORMAT TO STAY DIVIDED. THINK TIGHT, THESE PEOPLE WHO DIVIDE US ARE VERY SMART.