I find this movie to be an cash grab, let me explain. So it’s really explains the story about the 2018 concert of their band. Most of the people would be laughing, awwing, or even fan girling over the guys in the movie theater and it’s become annoying over time. It’s felt so fishy for the way they made this movie. Since they point the camera at the boys and they pretended to be all light hearted and cute but when you take time and realize that. That’s not how they act because they want to make themselves look good on the big screen. The movie felt like it was low budget and a waste of time. The songs were good since I enjoyed them but the way they created this movie bothers me. I would recommend this movie just to prove my point and I would recommend if your an bts fan to avoid fan girling or those things and understand what really going on then you will understand my clams. I don’t see this movie bad or anything I just had a lot of issues with it and even though I do recommend watching it but I won’t promise you that it will be the best movie you will ever watch because it’s boring and not interesting. Those are my solid opinions and I won’t recommend to attack this comments just because I didn’t enjoyed it as much as other people recording the movie and posting it online. Yes I have saw people doing that and it’s really disappointed me and it’s was disrespectful. Also hate to point it out that this isn’t a movie, it’s an documentary about this boy band 2018 concert that shouldn’t be made into a 1 hour and 45 minutes. For those who want to know more about bts then this movie is probably isn’t the movie for you. Sure it have information about them but you don’t want to waste your money on a movie that is waste of time. It’s not even that enjoyable and that’s all I have to say about this movie.