I really enjoy the overall story line of Queen Sugar. But I have one major issue with it. The show portrays all white people and all police officers as racist, and the bad guys. While it views all black people as innocent and victims of life. This is simply untrue.
No one race contains all evil and no one race contains all good. There is good and bad in all races. Ralph-Angel who went to prison for a crime he committed seems to think he is an innocent victim. Reality check. If you commit a crime, you should be held accountable in a fair and just legal system. No one made him rob a convenience store. He did that by his own choice. Of course there are some bad cops and there are some abuses of power within the legal system. That corruption is often discriminatory toward black people, but it can be rooted out and should be. Justice should and can be color blind if people work together to change it.
But to paint all cops and white people with the same brush stroke is just as wrong as those who paint all black people with the same brush stroke.