Pretty good game
I for one love this game. So with that being said this review is gonna be completely unbiased. Okay here we go...
Vigor is a looter shooter that you can play with friends or enjoy it solo. There is a Lone Wolf system where a solo player can que in a match with teams of duos, and trios, granting the player more xp. When playing Vigor you must be very strategic cause once you are killed in action the loot you bring into the game from your shelter is now in the hands of your enemies. Before starting a match the player spawns into his or her shelter, which is pretty much your base where you can upgrade, gather resources, manage your inventory, play records, an arcade machine, and if you have time you can also solve that annoying Rubix Cube. Remember to always make sure you are geared at the shelter before entering a map.
Alright now time for the feel of the game and mechanics.
The game feels generally nice, a little stiff but not too bad. If you are coming into this game expecting to slide then jump into a 180 flick shot on your opponent you are gonna find yourself raging and calling the game out on its mechanics. This game requires you to be even more accurate than your usual shooters where I noticed the bullets don’t fly straight but more so randomly into the radius of your crosshairs. I shoot mainly in third person cause I find it more accurate for me. Iron sights in this game feels like a chore rather than natural. But Snipers feel satisfying and good while scoped in.
If you prone (lay down) in this game i find it op cause of the environment. I noticed if I treat this game as a real life, only one life sort of game, I find myself not only surviving more but also killing more and gathering a sh** ton of loot.
I come from games like Apex and COD so I understand where some players might find this game campy or even tedious. But to me if you take the time to take your time you might find this game more enjoyable.