Not perfect, but close. I’m a longtime fan: watched TNG on TV during its original run, and TOS as daily reruns when i was growing up. Picard has always been “my captain” through all the various incarnations of the universe. I felt the characters were handled well in STP, old and new ones. The themes of parents, family, identity, and the familiar Star Trek “what it means to be human” rung true to me. I didn’t mind the swearing and new edginess - while I know some may find this against the ideals of Roddenberry’s vision - I’m personally more sweary and edgy since my 20s as well. Rightly or wrongly our world has changed too, and my belief is that a truer interpretation of Roddenberry morality would come across as naive. There were some odd story beats, and plot choices made to serve the fans that ring a bit far-fetched, but I loved the writing and care given to Picard’s story arc. He changes, emotionally and physically, and I realize that might offend some. I want more, but how could Season 2 be better? I’m hopeful and doubtful in equal measure.