Cyberpunk 2077 is by far the most immersive game i’ve ever played. I bought the game because I was bored and was put in lockdown due to the pandemic and was going into the game with expectations that it would keep me occupied. What I got was a game that was by far the best RPG experience out there. You feel a connection with every person you come across. each character was very well written. The decisions you make in the game can come with consequences just like real life. It was by far the best story i have ever played through. I play on PC. My specs are 16 GB of RAM, Ryzen 7 3800X for a CPU and a Radeon RX 5600XT. It’s considered a midrange build and I can get 40-60fps with everything set to ultra and I’ve experienced very, very minor bugs with 60+ hours in the game. I would highly recommend this title if you have a PC.