This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen!! What happened to the old Barbie I could rely on to have an intense plot, magical powers, awesome bangers, and evil villains!!! There is no plot to this absurd movie and the Barbie version makes me want to gag in my mouth! I wish I could rate it for its trashiness and not for its goodness!! Mind my vocabulary. I think we should go back to the right version and have Barbie movies that are actually interesting and entertaining! The graphics and movement for this Barbie is so cringe I practically pooped my pants!!! Everyone in the movie is all happy and dandy with their life together so there is no room for the villain and in this “plot” we only saw the villain through interactions between the main characters. We didn’t get any character background or character build up! I fell asleep to this stupid movie and woke up when Barbie and Barbie stinkin yell at my face! I miss the old bops and old storylines which I could rely on to be magical and entertaining! I’m disappointed! For so long, I have cherished and honored Barbie movies, but now I have nothing. Nothing to watch. Nothing to song to. And nothing to love. Unless they straighten up their stuff, me and everyone else Ik are never watching Barbie again!!!! Good riddance.