My review is quite late because I don’t get used to give my thoughts about movies very often.
Hopefully, I will get to the points on exactly what I remember from watching. It’s been a long time since I watched it.
They do seem majorly different from the books.
What I liked:
1-The story follows the daily lives of The Bad Guys and suddenly have a change of heart to be good after feeling how good is to be.. GOOD. I like that! It is a bit related to the original books, but saving the cat scene, that was completely from the original books and I really jumped out of my seat when I saw it because I do know it well! The chicken farm scene where Mr Wolf sees Mr Snake devouring chickens too! They were all just as in the books and very hilarious.
2-Mr Wolf has that exact attitude of a gang’s boss and gets straight to every single thing. It shows his willingness to make crimes non stop and have a ball with his buddies.
3-Most scenes are left to fans to guess if it’s from the books or not. I did catch one scene that I jumped from my seat when I saw it. It’s helping the cat to get down from the tree. It’s exactly from the books when Moe (Mr Wolf) was giving his buds Mr Snake, Mr Shark, Mr Piranha a lesson in being GOOD.
4-Nothing more, nothing less. Well-written story filled with excitement, comedic effects were fantastic, and of course DreamWorks has done their good job on this movie and they didn’t make it a letdown and have done their hardest to bring this terrific books series into a movie.
What I didn’t like:
1-The way they present Tiffany Fluffit as a human being rather than a cat. All the citizen are completely humans. With all honesty, I would’ve liked it more if it were the same as in the books. They were anthropomorphic animals and not humans at all (Attack of The Zittens).
2-Professor Marmalade is a real guinea, not an alien with butt hands as he in the books. On top of that, Mr Tarantula aka Legs is now gender swapped to a female, he’s now Mrs Tarantula or Webs. I say, no. I do like him as a male. This version of him is plainly snarky.
3-Agent Fox, out of all The International League of Heroes, is the only one that appears in this movie and the only thing I see If my memory serves correct, is building a romantic relationship with Mr Wolf, helping Marmalade to make The Bad Guys go good and also lending them some help at the end of the movie. I mean what is that? She’s totally boring and out of character.
4-I’m really not a fan of the style of modern animation either. Those characters with big mouths and eyes don’t appeal to me at all.
Overall, the movie is very good and worth a watch from time to time. Especially, the short films. After all, it’s based on my childhood book series!