This show is literally... the BEST BEST BEST SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is about a family (Johnny, Moira, David, Alexis) that gets, well, kinda tricked/screwed over by Johnny's (dad) partner in business, and this family is very rich and fancy and has a giant house. But one day, the FBI comes and that's when they found out that they got screwed and the FBI takes literally everything. So, all the family has is their clothes, and personals. Then they are talking to someone and the someone mentions that Johnny bought a small town in 1991, as a joke for David (brother)! So they move there, and, they do not like it because, it's not a fancy, rich town. It's rusty, dirty, and the mayor, Roland, isn't lookin' to good himself! Anyway, if you want to know more, watch it!!!! Plz!!! I totally promise it will be the best show you EVER watch in your entire life! It's so funny and sweet. The first episode might not be that good to you, but keep watching and it gets so hilarious! Please give this review a thumbs up too!
Watch it!