I love the Show But at the end of it I'm Sorry but that Van BLEW AWAY the other 2 cars
Then after he came in Last I Absolutely lost it
Then I said ok well that Transam Won then he said either
That Stupid looking car won I can't believe it there was ABSOLUTELY NO STYLE to it Both the other cars had what Hot Wheels Represents and Most Definitely that Van was Full Blown Hot Wheels
So after the Stupidity Decision of the judges I'm NOT WATCHING this Show for a Second Season if it comes back , I'm Done
There were a few cars that were built from beginning of the Show that Blows Away that Red off road car that Vette that was built was Way Way Better then the winner
I'm Totally Done will NOT Watch this Show if it comes back
Simple the Judges SUCK !!!!
They have No idea what a Hot Wheels should look like , every episode they picked the Wrong one , those Judges Need to be Removed and get someone that knows what a Hot Wheels supposed to look like ,,, Wild , Fancy , Bold , Different , Loud , Big Motor Hanging Out , Wild Exhaust Pipes , Crazy Paint , those are HOT WHEELS
And the Final Winner they Picked LMFAO was NOT At All Hot Wheels
Simple there Not the Right Judge's for that Show
I'm Not watching this Show Anymore or ever Again
And Hoping they Don't bring it back for a Second Season
Thanks 👎👎👎