Ok, so not the biggest or baddest of the 'Exorcism' genre type movies, nor is it Russell Crowes first dally with everything Priests, Demons & the Catholic Church! This in recent yrs has somewhat become his chosen mode of transport in furthering his ever growing catalogue of the movies he's made & yea he's done quite a few, to say the least! Overall I think this movies not that bad & neither is Crowell as Tony/Father Arlington, Tony's a struggling actor, who's given a chance to act again aftr his dying & then the death of his wife railroaded his career, that conveniently became his excuse for his following downfall into drink & drugs! Now sober & with his daughter bck home, this movie role is his way to get his foot bck in the movies, directors & studios door, yet as u might guess, nothing goes to plan. The movie he's gonna b in, as the lead actor is basically 'The Exorcism' & he's the Priest doin the excising aftr the original actor dies. Anyways, long story short, everyone notes he's not doin so well over several days of shooting, most & his daughter believe he's bck on the booze, drugs or both, but it becomes apparent that's not the case! The Demon in the movie 'Moloch' is the cause & reasons behind Tony's decline & also the original actors demise, that's aftr both become possessed, from there its pretty standard format, possession, acting out, weird happenings & of course an exorcism, yada, yada! Main takeaway 4 me, was 'No' silly accents from Crowell as in 'The Popes Excorsist' or in 'Marvels Thor' movie! Yea, didn't like the accent at all. But this movie is definitely not the greatest movie of all time, but worth a couple hrs watching without the 'Cheesey' feeling aftr! I thinks its solid enough & give it,
4☆ Out Of 5☆