LAME, LAME and LAME. Also this game is a crash-o-matic game. If you just want to hop in and fly around doing tricks this is the game for you. If you're a serious flight simmer or real world pilot waiting to the next time to fly for real, forget this game. The flight planning is NOWHERE near realistic. It's gamey - for kids. Thinking you're going to fly low altitude airways VFR - FORGET IT. Lets be clear, THIS IS NOT A FLIGHT SIMULATOR - ITS A GAME. Flight Simulator X is much better at flight planning and weather than this new 2020 version. Thinking about adding real world weather for realism? FORGET IT. In FSX all weather is updated in real time. In FS2020 you have three choices, ground weather, low level or high level weather. How freak'n lame is that!? If you want a game, FS2020 is for you. If you're a flight simmer, stick with FSX. Plus did I mention this game is a crash-o-matic. I was attempting a three hour flight in a 172 and 2:15 into the flight BAM! Crash-o-matic. I lost all of my logged time and none of the flight was recovered. I had to start all over again. WHAT A WASTE. AVOID, AVOID, AVOID.