Civil War modern day dystopian movie. Led by California and Texas and FL the so called Western Forces have succeeded from the United States and are marching on Washington to take full control. Majority of movie is Dunst who is a seasoned war photographer and her 3 cohorts, one being a young woman who has never seen action b4 and idolizes Dunst, attempting to make it through battle lines and interview the President. Characters are well developed and last 30 minutes of the movie is all out war with very realistic battle scenes as Washington falls. Only real complaint is they never tell you how or why the War started. Was it over religion or different political views, people who want more big govt or those who don't etc etc. Not one mention or flashback to give you an origin. 2 hours 10 mins with previews. No mid nor end credits scene to stay for. I liked it, didn't LOVE it. But last 30 mins make it worth watching on a big screen in the theater.