Fun and addictive to play, terrible and dissapointing generic story and character development. The cinematics and dialogs are cringe and feels like i’m watching a toddler’s cartoon, the characters are too one dimensional, they are too good or too evil, the plot doesn’t reach close to his predecesors, compared to majora’s were the characters were more complicated and were the subjects the game develops are more mature and real like grief, lost friendships, relationships etc. nintendo has definitely forgotten their old generation fans and aimed botw and totk to a children audience, i prefer to believe that that to think they just became lazy and can’t make a game with a new and complicated story that doesn’t involve ganondorf as the villain so they go for the secure fail proof generic plot. The game also Feels too similar to BOTW but definitely and improved version or how it should have been.
The Depths are wonderfully designed but soon the amazingness dissapear when you realize they are 95% empty with most of it being optional and filled with fillers. The final battle is very dissapointing, you basically kill ganondorf just shooting arrows to his head and the dragon doesn’t do anything, like most of the game its all about looking pretty and cool but leaving a a shallow experience. overall it’s an entertaining game to play but far away to being a masterpiece like it was ocarina’s majora’s, twilight and even windwaker.