Review of first 2 episodes: As pilots go they were stupendous! They are a slow boil of whispering menace balanced with the cute everyday things that make so much of Tolkien's work delightful. The music, visuals, settings, casting... all beautiful and well done.
The main characters are introduced with care and attention, questions are raised, mysteries are unearthed, and a solid foundation is set for a series I'm excited to continue watching.
I was hooked at the very start by the writing of the intro of Galadriel 's voice over. It so wonderfully evoked her voice thousands of years in the future during the opening of the LoTRs first movie. It settles us nicely into a world we know well and already love.
It's a joy seeing the young Galadriel as the driven and relentless warrior Tolkien wrote of. We get to meet with the darling ancestors of the Hobbits. The Dwarves are true to form and the Elves as lovely as ever (even if they have different hair styles 2000 years in their past). We get to see some of our beloved heroes when they were young, less heroic, and not yet grown into the legends they become.
I'm a bit of a fan of Tolkien's work; I've re-read LoTR and other of Tolkien's works almost yearly for the last few decades. I've seen the expanded versions of the movies far more times than I can keep track of. And now I've watched the first two episodes of The Rings of Power 3 times and will do so again with friends tomorrow. Well done and worth the wait!