As far as I could tell, this movie had no plot at all and kept jumping between characters without advancing anyones story except maybe Leonardo Dicaprios character, who's name I cant even remember because I was so bored and confused. I dont actually know how the movie ends, because I had to leave the theatre sobbing due to being triggered by an extremely violent scene near the end of the movie. I have PTSD due to abuse and do not appreciate the lack of trigger warning and the lack of any sign of this in any trailers. Regardless, maybe the movie ends in a good way with all the loose ends tied up, but I highly doubt it since most of the characters only appeared a few times. Like the actress who's whole story is she saw her own movie then changed boyfriends and is pregnant at the end of the movie. None of the in between moments are even addressed. It just happens. In my opinion, it's a good movie if you like booty shots, violence, no plot, and Leo DiCaprio crying. There were a few funny scenes though.