OMG, it's slow, gets into your skin. Can make you depressed...of course life's sometimes so. But this drama is another level, it's like an onion too many layers. All midlife crisis ajussis just drinking their way of making low Wages from odd jobs. Some people in this drama just chose to be miserable.
If you want something fast-paced lighthearted then don't watch this drama.
They painted the world gloomy with dialogue s that get to your skin like-
A village for failed ajussis
It's shameful to be reborn.
You are born into hell.
You are born 30000 times.
You stop rebirth when there's no hatred left.
I like to die with expensive underpants on.
It's earnestness that kills.
I like him becoz he failed.
Take my wrinkles out.
I honestly sometimes couldn't make through one episode full at one go it was that heavy.
No I don't recommend watching this drama.