I'm afraid I have to agree with all of the other one star raters. While the acting was decent, too often the main character is staring distantly off with a blank look on her face. Not much made sense. (Spoilers). A cult based on a comic book that only 2 people read? Children abducted and used as human bombs? A ne'er-do-well, unemployed, schizophrenic with panic attacks who turns into a "physician" because he holds a hand and cuts an umbilical cord during the "birthing" day when 15 women all deliver at once? I read so many great reviews and figured this was a "must see series," but far from it. If you're bed-bound with a broken leg and have watched everything else on your paid movie channel, then maybe. I watched the whole series, waiting for some logic or sense or explanation or excitement, but was bitterly disappointed at the end. There are dozens of other shows that deserve a second season. Not this one. If you want to watch an apocalyptic series where an older guy rescues/protects a young girl, and that isn't predominantly focused on chasing zombies and spattering blood and brains, I'd recommend, "The Last of Us."