The cast of Godspell were terrific and having just found a cd of the original motion picture soundtrack at a thrift store was delighted as I believe the album our family had is with one of my siblings. Seeing Victor Garber on Alias only reenforced my sense of the amazing versatility of Mr. Garber's acting prowess and truly a Stanislavski method of acting. He truly becomes the part of Jesus in Godspell. I have heard many critics say that Godspell doesn't truly represent the Gospel of Matthew but I would beg to differ in that although one does not see Jesus resurrected as it were, we are left with hope and promise in the Finale. Even the disciples had a hard time believing that Jesus had risen despite the women coming back and telling them the tomb was empty. I've always resonated to the music and the lyrics as they still have power to address a world and particularly a country that is stuck on the power of politics and money and less on care for others.