Ya know.... What ticked me off about the original Vikings series, was how many liberties they took with actual history when it came to the show,, there's only so many cringe worthy things you can see before you begin to find it just a bit ridiculous.
So with this newer Vikings show , we are obviously going to be subjected to the same thing, only this time with lavish doses of "woke". Come on, there's absolutely no evidence that there were female Varangian guards, and while there may have been a few black Varangian's, I really doubt it. On a positive note, it seems as though our civilization has not really progressed at all, with the Vikings shown to have conquered sexism and racism without even trying. That's not saying they were sexist, women were valued of course, especially if they weren't a slave, but we all know there weren't that many women in position of power back then . That's not saying they were racist either, I'm willing to bet that if you took a hundred Vikings you'd find a hundred different Vikings that were more or less like us, some bad apples, some lazy, some fat, etc. I just hate that Hollywood, in this case Netflix feels the need to woke up it's shows. I'm shocked there were no non binaries included....