It has nothing to do regarding the 94 movie. It’s about symbolism and much much more!! Sorry for the spoilers! But please give it a try. You have the different side of our society, where the “nobility “ is listening to opera and classical music and you have the movie’s soundtrack that’s more adapted to our days. You have the wannabes who accept the most difficult job, only to be around the high society. You have the new comers who want to be in the high circle and to have a better life accepting anything for everything. You have the power of the words that can make you do stupid things, if they are said by a powerful person and you have the power of the actions who are always stronger then words. You have the power of love that can make anything possible, with the final prices of letting yourself go for the other half. You can see the high society enjoying something, when the general population, by every step that they are climbing it’s getting more and more difficult, fighting and taking hits (in the movie you can see it very clear) you have so much symbolism that is just a pleasure to try to find more and more information. So take a chance enjoy the movie 🍿 and try to see it for yourself