If you like Elden Ring, Dark Souls 3, and Sekiro, this is the game for you! Very unique and rewarding to play this game, especially with friends. The multiplayer is easy and fantastic (I only wish you could play with more than 2 people). This game has great qualities that game developers who make souls-like games should take after: easy and efficient multiplayer, easy and fun combat, good parry system, the inventory for spells and weapons makes sense and is easy to use. The game has a really interesting lore. The game is on the linear side like dark souls 3 and Sekiro, but has amazing progression and interesting quests. Also, if you like grinding like me, this game is very fun to achievement hunt and grind, especially with friends. Give it a try!
1. Laggy and glitchy sometimes
2. Sometimes bad graphics
3. If it’s not popular enough, the severed hands, plucked eyeballs, and coin rewards are too expensive/unreasonable