The most excited I've ever been for a video game and wow...
Disappointment doesn't even begin to come close!
I'd already lost my hype around the game when it started getting delayed (Even after going gold so that should've been alarm bells) and I'm still p***ed!
The lies, false advertising and deception surrounding this game is the worst part. The game's full of bugs too, but that's the least of it's problems. It's sponge cake with no flavour, the world is as wide and ocean and deep as a puddle!
The whole Open World aspect now seems pointless, there's nothing to do within the world except drive around it, sure the visuals are very pretty but the world has nothing else going for it. The main story is surprisingly short, I'm wondering how much got cut out. The main narrative isn't particularly interesting either. Something tells me the game got a serious change of direction not long before release.
I'd be interested in knowing what the original vision and story was for the game before Silverhand became the main focus.
The side quests are also very dull. They've clearly taken a leaf out of EA/Biowares book by simply having pointless "go here, kill enemies, get prize" style side quests.
The shear amount of missing features that were also promised. The game is a disaster and all the pre-release reviewers are also to blame for the false narrative surrounding the game.