This is a story well done. I thought they portrayed an introverted man with extreme anxiety and phobias very well. Most genius are reclusive, and the first couple episodes provide context. What people don't like about this kdrama is they have to wait and be patient for this story to reveal itself. Most people can't wait in this digital age and 30 second sound bites. the dialog was clever and thought provoking on a psychological level. It did not seem like a fluffy romantic flick, which is what I enjoyed so much-- its approach to an unlikely love story that metaphors reality--there was some darkness. There were unrealistic parts too but the actors carried it well.
No story needs perfect transistions unless you only write freshmen college essays. This is a master class approach to succoring all the drama out of each moment. I thought this was a magnificent kdrama that captured the complexities of mental health and the maturity it takes to deal with them. Love on this drama is depicted 5 different ways, and the loves that survive, really, are the ones that breaks away from traditions, the unrealistic part but, nonetheless, moving and optimistic.
I highly recommend this drama as there are aspects beyond its derivatives worth investigating.