Flying home on an international long flight so I like to explore movies, just finished Capernaum and wow what a film. The eloquence, tension, heartache were displayed throughout the film. Young Zain played his role with such conviction, reality, pain & hurt. Time and again I had tears streaming. His love for his sister, his hurt and anger over his parents lack of care for their family displayed as anger toward the children, yet Zain shows love & compassion for his siblings; the writer, producer, team have done an excellent job showing the harsh realities of many children, families around the world who live in abject poverty with no system to get them out & the evil within man that extorts humans for pleasure & money, it’s sickening the depravity of mans heart. It’s by sheer determination & will that Zain survives & retains a tender heart as he cares for his sister then Yonas; what a heartbreaking part of the storyline but the film finishes with hope & determination. A must see; it’s heartbreaking and inspiring.