Love how many 1 star reviews rave about “not being able to finish even half the movie!!” Lol typical children, making their mind up before daring to learn something different. Hilarious that you see 1 star reviews from both sides. I guess some culture isn’t the only community ripe with ignorance and people ready to personalize EVERYTHING as a personal attack against them lol. The moral of this movie was not to bow to woke culture. It was to put yourself and your family before everybody else and their opinions. Except for the one guy with the stupid wife who lets her stupid kid express himself by smacking pregnant bellies. Good response woulda been “well clearly YOU just anybody beat on your pregnant belly, but I’m hoping to raise a human, not a wild animal that I give unconditional validation to. I’ll say it’s for the kid but really it’s just my lazy non approach to parenting, worked for me!!”
And the world keeps spinning