For those who doubt the story and its overall plot compared to the books, the books themselves were broad outlines of the fall of a empire, they never showed it directly, merely had it as a backdrop as the Foundation did its work in the background.
And if they doubt the Mule, what it was and its place is explained in the books and how it led ultimately to the conclusion of the series. If they dont like it, then then must not have read more then the original story since the mules powers go back to when the Spacers controlled the universe and the death of Earth. Oh and if you didnt like the sex scenes, i guess you missed how in the books women threw themselves at Golan Trevize as if he was Bond, James Bond.
So far this series is fine example of this world and i think i can see at least part of where it is going, compared to where it needs to get to based on the books.