Right, The Acolyte then. Bit of a disappointment, innit? Sounds like a cracking idea - a mystery set way back with the Jedi, but the execution? Dodgy. Plot's about as predictable as a droid on patrol, and the dialogue wouldn't win a wampa poetry slam. All that budget, and it seems they spent most of it on fancy visuals, not a decent script. Mind you, the visuals were alright, a bit derivative of the Matrix, but alright nonetheless.
Not a fan of this whole "strong, independent woman" being shoved down our throats. I'm sure the character's great, but it felt a tad forced. Like they were ticking boxes instead of telling a story. And don't even get me started on shoving pronouns everywhere. We get it, the Force ain't just for blokes anymore, but a good yarn is a good yarn.
Look, all I wanted was a corking Star Wars tale, a right rip-roaring adventure. Instead, I got a glorified karate fight with some lightsaber-wielding witches thrown in for good measure. Not exactly what I had in mind. Seems like Disney's lost the plot entirely. Here's hoping the next series is a right corker, eh?